Friday, May 30, 2008


i found this quote from a book this afternoon..

'you could choose the wrong job and survive, you could move to the wrong city and survive, you could live in the wrong house and still survive. but there's one thing in life you have to choose correctly, your eternal destiny'.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

kata si H saya gila

rencana liburan!
- belajar rhino, 3d max, dan kawan2nya X
- bikin animasi flash X
- bikin website portfolio X
- cepret2
- cari apartment
- ke planetarium!
- ke aquarium?
- jalan2 sama gita
- shopping sama abo V
- kontek2 temen uni
- edit2 poto
- bikin cupcakes n cheesecakes! V
- bersihin rumah
- organise barang2
- minta stef bikinin plain tee
- cari buku buat papa X
- potong rambut
- beli tas item X
- beli jeans V
- ngafe k flinders lane
- ke city library
- ke rumput sama H
- potato spinach n hot choc sama saf, sebelom 17 V
- hang out sama stef seblom 17 V
- cari connector sata buat harddisc X
- kasi fotokopi rhino k andru V
- titip laptop k andru V
- surf n turf V
- buble V
- hang out w/ juli n H n fritz abis juli balik dr syd
- tour melb sama lyd!
- bikin tfn
- cari kerja!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Monday, May 5, 2008

memang bener

sudah pas seminggu ke uni dari pagi-malem,
harga yang harus dibayar klo sekolah design.