i am back to my melancholy corner.
a night with no real companion, well i got lala lili binx jeff claire gary here with me *yes they re stuffed toys* :D and john is singing for me too here. but others are away doing their own business. fair enough.
so i ask myself,
what do i do tomorrow? im still unsure. prolly i would enjoy my day in e computer labs sorting out documents for tr, could also be sitting on the grass and doing nothing. who knows.
finding out jobs.
doing sm more illustration works.
preparing docs for laser-cutting.
much to do.
and christmas is coming soon too.
so why do i still wander around here? i dont know. i just feel like dropping sm words here, to keep a record for myself that ive been to this very second of my life. another movie perhaps, soon.
or a cup of lavender tea?