i will try not to be so much 'katrok' in this post, i'll try.
here i go. it's only 2 nights away from my trip to milan that i have plan since more than a year ago. to be honest, i don't feel much excitement as people expect. i have heard enough statements of i can NOT. im so ready to have this not happening. but God wrote me a different story; as i am being as i am now, is all truly His work. i can't boast about anything in myself, not a single thing about my achivement, personality or behavior. i was in a total mess -- i even found myself as a horrible person at some point.
yet, God still show me His kindness; giving me this little opportunity to present my work in such an event. i don't have anything else to say except: thank you. He has told me not to be blinded by what this world can offer. He has taught me not to fall into temptations that could leave me into destruction. He has covered me with His love so i can trust Him for what He planned. and somehow i know that things will be alright in His hand.
now, im ready to go, along with Holy Spirit who will take care of my heart.
and for any other things: i have trusted all in You.
excited? not today,
maybe i will tomorrow.