Tuesday, July 7, 2009


i am speechless.

God is great beyond everything! (:

ya ya i keep my promise to finish this entry. it started few weeks ago. no, actually, a month ago. uni was extremely hectic and i was longing for a holiday with my plan: doing whatever i want to do. but, as usual, things didnt go with my expectation. i finished uni at 10th of june, and guess when did my holiday start? 1st of july. i promised my part-time-job boss to work full-time for a week since she was going to singapore for holiday. unfortunately, yes very unfortunate to hear that my boss' daughter diagnosed with swine flu when they arrived there. and what else could be happened except weeks of quarantine in hospital and home *in singapore*. so, i passed my days waking up at 5.30am when the sun hasnt come yet and my sister is still asleep. well, i finished at 2 tho, which is not too bad, i thought. until by body said that it couldnt cope with the workload anymore. i fell sick. i woke up with 'encok' at my birth-day, a sign of ageing maybe *sigh*. and i took 2 more days off cause i was still sick.

thank God, i could finally go to wintercamp on wednesday eventho i had to go home earlier from work on tuesday since i was still coughing and sneezing like crazy *not as crazy as people who lined up for tattslotto that day tho :p* ya, so i went, with no expectation. i prayed to God before i got into the bus "Tuhann, ellen jangan mabok yaa.. nanti tambah sakit.." and He heard that silly prayer of mine (:

maybe my body was too weak, i admitted that i fell asleep for few minutes in some sessions *proven by my ugly handwriting on the booklet :p* but, each sessions opened up my mind and gave me a new perspective to see this life. and the presence God Himself was really there. i talked to Him "Tuhan, ellen nggak mau sia2 dateng k sini, udah sakit pula, Tuhan yang kuatin yaa" it wasnt about how much tears i shed and the manifestation i experienced but it was all about how i feel God and i believe Him wholeheartedly that He is real. He lifted up all my burden, all of those little wanderings i kept myself. He showed me that He cares (:

and more than that, He filled my heart with love and joy! Lord, if its not from You, how can i love and care others? i might find people are dissapointing, and they never seem to understand me, but hey ellen, would you let those problems taking the joy of the Lord away from your heart?

the wintercamp is over, i got back to the reality living in melbourne cbd as i got the signal back to my mobile. reality came in. and yes, things do go wrong. but we believe that our God have a beautiful plan for our life eh?

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" - Jeremiah 29:11

You've walked with me thru the mountains,
and You were also there when i was in the valleys.
i want to keep You with me forever (:

1 comment:

fei said...

bagus bagus, setrika yg rajin yaaa~