Wednesday, December 21, 2016

unending faithfulness

day by day
i walk my tiny feet around this globe
not too far, not too strong

i stumble, i fell
and sometimes i just don't know what to do
i could have cried but i chose to laugh instead
for my ways are silly

but Daddy, never once you look away from me
you keep watching over me
when i sleep, when i am awake
my thoughts, you know them all

get lost, my heart!
let go and put it down in God's gracious love
get it washed away
get it clean again

when i am weak, You are strong
when i am poor, You are rich
let only praises for You came out from my mouth
let me sing Your goodness always
because You are God, because You deserve it

You are all i want.
i love You, Daddy.

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