Sunday, January 24, 2016


Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.
Hebrew 11:1

Sounds familiar? Yeah I heard it since sunday school time and it has never rang this loud until yesterday.

What differs us from others by being Christian?

We have the same problems, we struggle over similar matters, we want the same things as most people do and we are as messed up as everyone. I have currently experience the same thing. I freaked out every time I look at my calendar. Indeed, time waits for no one. We are always too busy doing things, and think that a day needs more hours as well as our weeks, our months, our years. But hey, who are we thinking we can control the time?

I recently checked my whatsapp as well, last late night convos with a friend doesn't sound too hopeful either. I skimmed through things I said, and laughed at it. Silly.

Problems are real, bad days are not a myth, and some cray cray situations making me a-not-so-decent human being. Ugh.

But somehow, some way, in this desperate situation where I wished things would change and miracles would just happen; I still hear a little voice inside my heart saying, "have faith". Have that little faith, as tiny as that mustard seed, when you have it, you can move mountains. You just have to believe.

When we rely much on our confidence in ourselves, we would always get disappointed. No one could ever give us assurance in this ever-moving life. And on the first verse of Hebrew 11, this was described clearly.

FAITH is the CONFIDENCE in what we HOPE for and ASSURANCE about what we DO NOT SEE.

and it goes on..

verse 6:

"And WITHOUT FAITH it is IMPOSSIBLE to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must BELIEVE that He EXISTS and that He REWARDS those who EARNESTLY SEEK Him"

 Shouldn't you ever know this truth len?

Yes, I do. But really, who are we without Holy Spirit. I would never realised this much sooner without Him bugging myself to open the bible. I would not be able to write this if He's not the one who gave me the revelation. I would not then believe this truth if He did not put this conviction in my heart!

Really, oh Father, swipe me once again in Your love, for you are gracious and loving. And you will never leave me when I drifted away. You are faithful even when I am not faithful. You believe in me even when I don't believe in You.

Thank You Jesus, Thank You Holy Spirit, to reveal this gem to me once again. To put faith into my heart, so I may fully trust in You. May I live a life that honours You and pleases You. May everything I do reflects Your love to us all.

Only to You, be the glory.


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