Tuesday, November 16, 2010


who loves uncertainty? i dont.
i hate when the tram sign didnt tell me how many more minutes i had to wait, i get annoyed the manufacturer couldnt make sure when they actually gonna do my job, even when i dont know what to do tomorrow.

well, sounds too trivial?

okay, more serious matter. i dont know whether i could find a job here at least for this summer. i dont know whether i would ever be able to support myself financially, whether i could ever make them happy. would i ever be a good mum? *okay, too far*

i am bloody thinker. i think, a lot. been told not to do so for many times; myself, family, friends even God. yet i am still failing.
who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? -- matt 6:27

if i worry today, would it make me happier tomorrow?
if i worry today, would it prevent something bad to happen tomorrow?
if i worry today, would it change anything?


thus, i choose to be happy instead.
embrace the good and the bad in their own times.
and surrender everything to Him and keep doing my best :')

ecclesiastes 3!

1 comment:

ivan said...

jualan barangggg...
len, ekopenel bisa dibikin siluet2 jg buat jadi pin...... hohoho what do you think?