Thursday, March 12, 2009

the greatest artist of all

i found this afternoon pretty chilly. i had work today and felt absolutely tired *mama minta pijiiiit* since my body hasnt become 'tahan banting' yet. i went to balcony, dragged three stools out, made a cup of nice hot tea then indulged myself watching the scenery of people walking and reading mx and again, knitting. nyaaaahh~

a bit later on, when the dawn came, the sky once again intrigued me. i simply love the color, how the sun light is reflected to clouds in its surroundings. and it is be-a-u-ti-ful! and a great thing about it is: this masterpiece of art is not kept in those museums and guarded by security but our Lord gives it to everyone of us, every-single-day, for FREE.

isnt He kind? (:


ivan said...

kerja gmn len?

fei said...

it should be dusk, not dawn, hehe tp apik ya emang

ellen said...

cape vann, hoaaa kmrn 7 jem lgs.. pegel2, ntar kerja lg juga. elu cari kerja gih buruan.

-.-" ak tanya komen kan d posting sebelumnya, biar ak hepi dulu la.. lagian u just can say it to me, no need commentt