Tuesday, January 26, 2010

realiti indo

apa cuman gw doank yang terkaget2 sama kenyataan hidup di indo?
kelamaan di luar juga enggak :x

kerja di sini enggak gampang. buat mulai dari nol, semuanya penuh resiko. iya kalo berhasil, jalannya masih super panjang, kalo gagal bisa gagal total abis2an. belum lagi gaya hidup sehari2nya. super semrawut dan penuh emosi. apalagi bisnis dan dagang, lo harus kejar itu habis2an. apakah gw bisa tahan? dan apakah ini emang cuman gw nya aja yang belon liat kenyataan ini? *maksudnya di mana aja juga bakal gini anyway*

semua yang di dunia ini adalah temporer, cuman dalam Tuhan kita bisa hidup eternal.

tapi selama kita masih ngincekin kaki di bumi pertiwi ini, kita masih ngga boleh berhenti berjuang kan? jujur aja gw masih pingin hidup enak, makan cukup dan bersantai.

Tuhan, ellen mesti gimanaa?

marilah berterimakasih dulu kalo ternyata gw kurus2 begini masih sehat2 saja.
*habis cek darah btw* :p

Saturday, January 23, 2010

my own definition of coolness

these are random thoughts i had few weeks ago. nothing is important or hundred percent true. theyre just my opinions.
but you are cool to me when:
- you dont always go with the flow, you dare to walk against it cause you know what ure doin the right things.
- you love things because you genuinely love them. not because youve seen others did and they looked cool.
- you dont tell the whole world abt what you do every single second. thats annoying.
- you do love simple things. smth that may not seen as 'popular'.
- you are responsible and mature in different aspects in life.
- you have integrity.
- you have something you hold/ cling on to in life. you believe youre not everything, God is.
- you appreciate others whose honest and true to themselves.

you dont have to agree with me btw (:

Friday, January 22, 2010


"you do have a choice".

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

i cant believe im doin this to myself.
it suppose to be my holiday :'(

Monday, January 18, 2010

semangat dimana kamuuu?

beberapa hari dalam satu bulan, oke mungkin beberapa bulan, selalu ada saat dimana badan jasmani gw ini literally lemes dan lengket sama sofa/kasur. hal yang sebenernya gw sendiri ngga mau lakuin, soalnya pasti nyokap uda teriak k gw buat jangan males2an tapi beneran ma, aku 'mbelenyek'...

gimana cara balikin semangat gw nah itu gw sendiri juga kurang tau. apa dengan bersenang2 satu hari besoknya gw pasti uda seger jasmani dan rohani? nggak juga. gw uda experimen sama cara itu tapi nggak berguna. terus gw tiba2 jadi keinget ini frase yg kayaknya terngiang-ngiang di otak gw akir taon lalu: 'take time'.

gw rasa itu bisa berguna. tiap orang pasti pernah kan kayak sibuk banget gitu, dari pagi uda gini gitu, siang ngurusin itu, makan aja sampe telat2 ato ga sambil jalan, terus sore janji sama orang malem masi ngafe ama temen, pulang masi onlen sampe subuh. capek gak seh. dan emang bener kadang2 situasi kayak gitu ngga bisa gw hindarin sendiri, cuman kayaknya ini saatnya buat ngubah pola hidup gw yg tidak sehat.

i have to: take time for everything.

jam makan ya uda makan doang. kerja ya kerja ngga boleh nyambi facebookan, kalo janji diri sendiri mau break dulu ya break aja. kalo ketemu temen ya plis deh jangan autis2an di bb wong ada manusia hidup dihadapan. kalo tidur ya uda tidur otak itu dikosongin jangan mikir sana sini ngga jelas *ini yg gw sulit*. kalo belajar yah belajar sungguh2. kalo giliran orang ngomong ya dengerin baek2. kalo berdoa sebelom makan ya berdoa jangan keburu megang sendok isi nasi.
dan masih banyak lagi.

susah sekali :|

tapi ya itu, kayaknya bener juga sih. gw harus ambil waktu juga buat merenungi hidup ini, memikirkan masa depan, dan mendengar kata Tuhan dalam hati (;

Sunday, January 17, 2010

butuh waktu

butuh sabar buat nunggu poni gonggong gw tumbuh kembali.

*orang yang selalu menyesal sehabis potong rambut*

Monday, January 4, 2010

noo noo boo

it is time to take more photos.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

post 201

i know who matters the most for me (;
dad, mum, sister, brother, devon.

you're all inspired me.

Friday, January 1, 2010

this is how i started 2010

to be exact:
i was playing this old-playstation-one-game, called poy poy, with mum, sis and brother while dad was playing ard with his iphone *i know he will never get over it*

it was fun, abit too much maybe, we ignored the fireworks in the first few minutes of 2010 until they re getting crazier and we decided to take a look outside. not so impressive, but well, what beats the fact that we re all at home together?


i felt this holiday is abit different with the ones before. i promised myself that ill be a good daughter *aaat leasstt thiss holiddaayy* which i found it is a very difficult job to do. i still sleep late, i woke up late too. i didnt do breakfast, thats why i always have stomachache after lunch. i cant work so fast, i sleep on the sofa too much. ugh.

i expect my dad and mum will yell at me. yes they do. they ll complain. yes they do.
but the weirdest thing, i just found out that they are all come with acceptance. im not a perfect daughter anyway, and cause they are my parents, they could accept me the way i am. and i know that it is such a privilege to have them in my life (:

so yes. i wont complain.


Psalm 86
Teach me your way, O LORD,
and I will walk in your truth;
give me an undivided heart,
that I may fear your name.

12 I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart;
I will glorify your name forever.

13 For great is your love toward me;
you have delivered me from the depths of the grave.


Dear God,

please show me the paths You want me to follow,
for I am a very fragile being.
set my feet upon the rock,
so that nothing could drag me away from You.
draw my heart close to Yours,
cause I want to keep You in life forever.


ps. i know its abit 'rancu' post to start the year, maklum sudah lama kurang menulis dan merenung *makan melulu sih :|