Saturday, January 23, 2010

my own definition of coolness

these are random thoughts i had few weeks ago. nothing is important or hundred percent true. theyre just my opinions.
but you are cool to me when:
- you dont always go with the flow, you dare to walk against it cause you know what ure doin the right things.
- you love things because you genuinely love them. not because youve seen others did and they looked cool.
- you dont tell the whole world abt what you do every single second. thats annoying.
- you do love simple things. smth that may not seen as 'popular'.
- you are responsible and mature in different aspects in life.
- you have integrity.
- you have something you hold/ cling on to in life. you believe youre not everything, God is.
- you appreciate others whose honest and true to themselves.

you dont have to agree with me btw (:


fei said...

then u r very cool eh? :p
miss u.

ellen said...

kakak kakak, saya bingung huhu!